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Take a look at some of our patient journeys to assist in your pre-operative education!
*Names marked with an asterisk are aliases used to protect the privacy of the patient per their request.

Leago GlamStar Maruma
1 year and four Months post op.
Starting weight 191
not sure about current weight cause I hardly weigh myself🙈😂and I don’t own a scale😂
Tough time getting here, but FINALLY NO REGRET SHUUU and very THANKFUL to Prof Tess and the Team🥰
In my lingo: Izinja ze Game🥰💪👏🏼👏🏼🤘🏽
We are led🔥
Starting weight 191
not sure about current weight cause I hardly weigh myself🙈😂and I don’t own a scale😂
Tough time getting here, but FINALLY NO REGRET SHUUU and very THANKFUL to Prof Tess and the Team🥰
In my lingo: Izinja ze Game🥰💪👏🏼👏🏼🤘🏽
We are led🔥

Leago GlamStar Maruma
Last Year this Time I was fresh out of BPD DS, struggling with Anxiety and having loads of regret on why Did I do this Op? I kept on trying to convince myself that I was just okay weighing 190kgs and I was still happy, why did I do this op, I comforted ate for the most part of my life, and never got to deal with my real issues, until food was taken away.
I had the worst anxiety, depression and loads of regret. I hated waterfall, the smell of the hospital and just seeing those two bottles we got I used to just get 🤢🤢 I had loads of Nausea and vormitted all the time, tried cheating the system and I just got sick every time I did.
The smelly farts and poops made me so much angry😡
I saw Prof Tess/David a lot more than other patients, I saw a Pyschiatrist often Dr Pillay who gave me LOADS of meds to calm me down. I thought I was going to die from anxiety. It was horrible guys. I cried every day for 12 months. I hated it. It was not perfect. It was TOUGH.
Fast forward to 2020 post one 1 Year 1 month.
Weightloss has given me sooo much freedom😭😭😭😭 my depression and anxiety has gone down, my relationship with food is still a work in progress but I understand my new stomach better. I have accepted and not try to defy the rules. And the most interesting part is the regret is gone, the smelly poop and farts are better, I love myself more. I have learned to put myself first, I don’t have to sacrifice how I feel for others. I am happier. I get compliments every other second. People ask me every other day who am I dating Life before Weightloss NO ONE ASKED, it’s like i was expected to be single😂😂😂
I feel born again, like a new life.
I can go on and on and on but let’s save it for my new IGTV vlog. dropping in June!
I had the worst anxiety, depression and loads of regret. I hated waterfall, the smell of the hospital and just seeing those two bottles we got I used to just get 🤢🤢 I had loads of Nausea and vormitted all the time, tried cheating the system and I just got sick every time I did.
The smelly farts and poops made me so much angry😡
I saw Prof Tess/David a lot more than other patients, I saw a Pyschiatrist often Dr Pillay who gave me LOADS of meds to calm me down. I thought I was going to die from anxiety. It was horrible guys. I cried every day for 12 months. I hated it. It was not perfect. It was TOUGH.
Fast forward to 2020 post one 1 Year 1 month.
Weightloss has given me sooo much freedom😭😭😭😭 my depression and anxiety has gone down, my relationship with food is still a work in progress but I understand my new stomach better. I have accepted and not try to defy the rules. And the most interesting part is the regret is gone, the smelly poop and farts are better, I love myself more. I have learned to put myself first, I don’t have to sacrifice how I feel for others. I am happier. I get compliments every other second. People ask me every other day who am I dating Life before Weightloss NO ONE ASKED, it’s like i was expected to be single😂😂😂
I feel born again, like a new life.
I can go on and on and on but let’s save it for my new IGTV vlog. dropping in June!

Leago GlamStar Maruma

Mohammed Vazeer
Pre-op I was at 185kg and 18 months later I’m at 85kg. 100kgs down and I’ve never felt better. I can now enjoy my life and live to the fullest.
I’d like to thank Prof Tess van der Merwe , Dr Gary Fetter , David Goncalves , Francette Bekker and the whole team for all that you’ve done. I cannot thank you enough 🙂
I’d like to thank Prof Tess van der Merwe , Dr Gary Fetter , David Goncalves , Francette Bekker and the whole team for all that you’ve done. I cannot thank you enough 🙂

Daniella Selesnick
Today marks 11 months post op for me, and a loss of an unbelievable 51kg since operation day! Besides the weight loss I have gained an entirely new outlook on life, sense of self confidence and extreme respect for myself. I wake up everyday insanely grateful for this incredible body of mine and what its been able to endure and achieve in the last 11 months ❤️ Despite all the struggles, I would do it all again in a heartbeat, it’s been so incredibly worth it.
I am forever grateful to have met the incredible team at CEMMS Waterfall, you have given me my life back at the age of 25 and all the thank you’s in the world will never be enough 🙌🏻 You’re all a team of absolute rockstars!
I am forever grateful to have met the incredible team at CEMMS Waterfall, you have given me my life back at the age of 25 and all the thank you’s in the world will never be enough 🙌🏻 You’re all a team of absolute rockstars!

Daniella Selesnick

Tshepo Ntsimane
Just a quick update on my lifestyle journey that I shared with you earlier in the year.
When I started the journey in October 2019, I was 119,7kgs and my BMI was 43.
Today, I am 71kgs with a BMI of 25.
God's Grace at work in my life!
He gave me the great team at Netcare Waterfall Hospital under the very capable and awesome endocrinologist Professor Tess Van der Merwe, and her multidisciplinary team of surgeon husband, Gary Fetter, fantastic dietitian Nicola Drabble, Psychologist David Goncalves, and Psychiatrist, Kalai Naidu and the great, professional support staff too numerous to name individually!
May God continue to richly bless all of them abundantly in all aspects of their lives!
From the bottom my heart a very big THANK YOU!
When I started the journey in October 2019, I was 119,7kgs and my BMI was 43.
Today, I am 71kgs with a BMI of 25.
God's Grace at work in my life!
He gave me the great team at Netcare Waterfall Hospital under the very capable and awesome endocrinologist Professor Tess Van der Merwe, and her multidisciplinary team of surgeon husband, Gary Fetter, fantastic dietitian Nicola Drabble, Psychologist David Goncalves, and Psychiatrist, Kalai Naidu and the great, professional support staff too numerous to name individually!
May God continue to richly bless all of them abundantly in all aspects of their lives!
From the bottom my heart a very big THANK YOU!

Antonella Poone
At school I was always insulted about my weight and teased .I was called names like " fat so " and " fatty boom boom " . I eventually lost weight in my university days -- went to a doctor and went on these injections with a restricted diet but put on the weight again ...Bariatric surgery is the ONLY solution .I never thought in a million years I would buy myself a one piece black jump suit and look decent .(Lost 52 kg )

Antonella Poone
2 years post op and maintaining the weight with healthy eating and training 4 times a week with a personal trainer at the Virgin Active -Kimberley branch ...Thank you Prof Tess van der Merwe, Dr Fetter and the Waterfall team for this life changing opportunity (Great to fit into a size 6 or 8 dress ) !!!

Willem Bronkhorst
O yes....
There was a guy....
and NOW there IS a guy LIVING.....
To the one that is still fighting this battle...
THERE IS HELP⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
Out with endless diets/pills/syrups and IN WITH POWER AND PROFESSION
I was visiting a very dear a very dear Aunty of mine... being on one of the 17,000 diëts or pills or magic potions was on at that stage .... this was like 20 years ago..... so ai told her I only lost 3kgs and I was so depressed...... and she flipped and tuned me...... “Willem J Bronkhorst do you have any idea how much is 3 kgs of fat! She went to the freezer and tool out 3 tubs (3xkgs) and almost thrown them on the counter...... so ja from there i use this trick .... liewe tan
Trynie du Toit dankie vir jou en jou 3 bakkies!!!! Nou HET EK 105 van hulle my tan! Bless jou!!!!
There was a guy....
and NOW there IS a guy LIVING.....
To the one that is still fighting this battle...
THERE IS HELP⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
Out with endless diets/pills/syrups and IN WITH POWER AND PROFESSION
I was visiting a very dear a very dear Aunty of mine... being on one of the 17,000 diëts or pills or magic potions was on at that stage .... this was like 20 years ago..... so ai told her I only lost 3kgs and I was so depressed...... and she flipped and tuned me...... “Willem J Bronkhorst do you have any idea how much is 3 kgs of fat! She went to the freezer and tool out 3 tubs (3xkgs) and almost thrown them on the counter...... so ja from there i use this trick .... liewe tan
Trynie du Toit dankie vir jou en jou 3 bakkies!!!! Nou HET EK 105 van hulle my tan! Bless jou!!!!

Cynthia Dikeledi
Everywhere I go people don’t recognize me,even traffic officers think I took someone else license.I still don’t believe my eyes ,a big thank u to Prof Tess,Dr Fetter and ur team may God bless u all abundantly 💝

Linda Joubert
One Year later. December 2019 vs December 2020. 76.3kg down and still soooo excited. January 2021 will be my 1 year anniversary after my BPD. Soooo blessed.

Linda Joubert
If I had to choose over... I would choose Prof Tess van der Merwe and Dr Fetter and the entire team over in a heartbeat!! You gave me back my life!! I am so healthy and I am crazy in love with the new improved me!! Still a way to go but I am so blessed with my journey so far!! 68kg down from starting weight on 20th January 2020.

Linda Joubert
Today is exactly my 5 months post op! I am loving the new me so far. Yes still a long journey ahead but loving every step of the way.

*Chelsea Knowles
Double digits aaaaaaahhhhhhh so excited this morning that the barrier is broken and I've officially entered the double digits. This means that 47kg down from my highest weight just over 6 months post opp. Wow wow wow. So greatful to everyone in the group. The journey continues.

*Chelsea Knowles
This is me practicing a crop top outfit.
20 days to my 1 year surger-vesary. I am greatful to Prof Tess and Dr Gary and the entire waterfall team. Sometimes I'm not sure if this is really me so I have to look in the mirror and take it in. Best thing I've ever done for myself!!
CW: 85kg
20 days to my 1 year surger-vesary. I am greatful to Prof Tess and Dr Gary and the entire waterfall team. Sometimes I'm not sure if this is really me so I have to look in the mirror and take it in. Best thing I've ever done for myself!!
CW: 85kg

Mari Lee
Tremendous gratitude!
Hw 155kg
Sw 143 kg
Cw 80 kg
I can't believe it is me. So healthy. So happy. So grateful.
Hw 155kg
Sw 143 kg
Cw 80 kg
I can't believe it is me. So healthy. So happy. So grateful.

Mari Lee
6 months makes a world of difference. Best if all, I am healthy and have no more cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, heart disease or any chronic medication. #health #worthit #process #nopills

Letitia Grobler
Before and after: 1 year. Worth it!!!!

Marisha Meyer
Today is my 1 year anniversary of my op. One year ago my life changed for the better, and I cannot thank Prof Tess van der Merwe and Dr Gary Fetter enough for what they have done for me. To date, I have lost 28kg, started in 97kg and is now on 69kg.
Sure, some times were tough, my brain is still adapting to the new me, and you still have to work hard on you health and diet, but it is much easier.
PS: my after pic was taken yesterday after I completed the FNB 10km Heritage run 😁, still new to the walking/running thing, but it makes such a huge difference 🏃♀️.
Sure, some times were tough, my brain is still adapting to the new me, and you still have to work hard on you health and diet, but it is much easier.
PS: my after pic was taken yesterday after I completed the FNB 10km Heritage run 😁, still new to the walking/running thing, but it makes such a huge difference 🏃♀️.

*Serena Smith
22 weeks between these 2 photos. I am in total shock. I cannot believe the difference between these 2 versions on me. I am eternally grateful to Prof. Tess, Dr. Fetter, Nicola, David and all the other team members who made this healthier, happier me possible.

365 days ago my family sat with me waiting to go in for a surgery that would change my life. Weight loss has been an amazing “side effect” to this journey but my main reason was to regulate hormones and get into a healthy state to possibly be able to have a baby.
I knew this would be big, I knew this would be hard and I most certainly knew it would be a life change. What I didn’t know is how much gratitude I would be consumed with daily. Not only to my immediate support team (Mom, Dad, sister and her family and my amazing hubby along with the hand full of friends I call my tribe) but to the most phenomenal people at CEMMS. Nicola Drabble, Francette Bekker, David Goncalves, Cecil, Tess van der Merwe and Dr Fetter... thank you for giving me a second chance at life! Thank you for your advise, support and most of all the knowledge.
I wish I lived in SA so I could call on you all more often, for now my occasional what’s apps will have to do.
This is me... no hormone medication to take daily, no blood pressure meds, no sugar meds... this is me 55kgs down.
This is me Thanks to EVERYONE OF YOU!!!
I knew this would be big, I knew this would be hard and I most certainly knew it would be a life change. What I didn’t know is how much gratitude I would be consumed with daily. Not only to my immediate support team (Mom, Dad, sister and her family and my amazing hubby along with the hand full of friends I call my tribe) but to the most phenomenal people at CEMMS. Nicola Drabble, Francette Bekker, David Goncalves, Cecil, Tess van der Merwe and Dr Fetter... thank you for giving me a second chance at life! Thank you for your advise, support and most of all the knowledge.
I wish I lived in SA so I could call on you all more often, for now my occasional what’s apps will have to do.
This is me... no hormone medication to take daily, no blood pressure meds, no sugar meds... this is me 55kgs down.
This is me Thanks to EVERYONE OF YOU!!!

*Anette Doe

*Anette Doe
I can't believe I was wearing these pants in February this year!?!

Tania Bam
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